
  • 发布时间:2018-03-23 14:29:19,加入时间:2016年06月22日(距今2909天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»广州:广州白云区石马桃花西街38号
  • 公司:广州艾浩尔防霉抗菌科技有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:何先生,手机:13710329596 微信:hjllyf QQ:724905869


No.1 Time-effect,  rapid action,excellent antibacteria.Prevent the bacteria to grow quickly;


No.2Association effect technology has solved the problem of fast dissolution rate,short validity (bad durability ), bad weatherability ,low antibacterial stability ;


No.3Having good heat resistance and safety.It solves nicely that demand the processing temperature of all kinds of plastic processing .In the meantime,it also solves  discoloration of silver vector system.


No.4When Antimicrobial plastics overcome the preparation of inorganic antibacterial agent ,only contact with bacteria in a long time , such as 8 ~ 24 h, that can  antibacterial plastic  occurs obviously  defection of bacteriostasis ;


No.5Eurytopic of antibacteria,long cycle of antibacteria,multiple antibacterial property(Gram-negative bacteria:escherichia coli ,klebsiella pneumoniae; gram-positive bacteria :staphylococcus aureus),high antibacteria rate(99%).

包装规格Packaging specification


iHeir - PSZ (Plastic Anti-Bacteria Agent) packaging uses (weight:30 kg) fiber can whose liner is vinyl bag ,or packing according to the cilent.Please put the product in a cool, dry place where under a normal temperature.In addition,keep away from children . Don’t  touch the mouth, nose, eyes, etc.If access to the eyes or nose and mouth, rinse immediately with plenty of water, please.


iHeir-PSZ  Plastic Anti-Bacteria Agent(Industry-Grade)

Product model:iHeir-PSZ 

Product standard :30KG/drum

Appearance and colour:white powder

Packing specification:30KG

Majoy usage:iHeir - PSZ (Plastic Anti-Bacteria Agent)is a kind of high efficient bacteria inhibitor, Who has a large range to antibacteria,like inhibiting the growth of  gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria .

产品介绍Product introduction


iHeir - PSZ (Plastic Anti-Bacteria Agent)is a kind of high efficient bacteria inhibitor, who has a large range to antibacteria,like inhibiting the growth of  gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative bacteria .Because of low speed of moving and high activity, its antibacterial performance is superiored in plastic products.There is a proper balance between the material compatibility and migration rate.iHeir - PSZ is suitable for all plastic.The thermal stability can up to 300 ℃. iHeir - PSZ can’t insoluble in transparent plastic,but you can choose add food-grade plastic antibacterial iHeir - ECO.

使用范围The use scope



No.1This product is a new type macromolecule antibacterial agent, suitable for all kinds of plastic products, such AS PP, LDPE, HDPE, ABS, PC, PS, AS, etc.

No.2 Which has the function of antibacterial plastic products, such as toilet cover, remote controls, envelope, mobile phone soft shell, keyboard, children's toys, non food contact plastic products, etc.


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