black box开关SW179A

  • 发布时间:2018-12-18 13:47:52,加入时间:2018年11月13日(距今2029天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»浦东:上海市浦东新区康桥路1100号保康大厦1204室(
  • 公司:上海欧桥电子科技发展有限公司,用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨俊,手机:18222146321


产品描述:Compact Bidirectional Dual Bus AutoSwitch, 4-to-2

Product Highlights

Connect four users to two parallel devices.

Fully compatible with IEEE 1284, ECP/EPP, Centronics­, Byte, and Nibble modes.

Supports printers; scanners; Zip­, tape, and CD-ROM drives; digital cameras; and more.

Further Details

Automatically senses Bi-Tronics or Centronics printers.

Plug-and-play! Software included.

Operates in autolink or manual mode.

Built-in microprocessor provides real-time communication.

Data transfer rate up to 2 MBps.

The Bidirectional Dual Bus AutoSwitch, 4-to-2, from Black Box enables you to connect four computers to two IEEE 1284 Bi-Tronics printers or other parallel devices. The dual bus architecture features two independent channels for simultaneous access to parallel devices and file transfer. This switch works with DeskJet printers and multifunction machines, and supports WindowsWindows NT­, Windows 2000, and Windows Me.

This product works with:

Optional Power Supply (PS121-R2)

Enhanced Parallel Port Cables (EQN200–EQN202)

Questions­ Contact our FREE Tech Support.


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