
  • 发布时间:2020-02-26 10:14:00,加入时间:2020年02月24日(距今1560天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»济宁:山东省邹城市西外环路5555号
  • 公司:山东宇豪工贸有限公司,用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:韩先生,手机:15660427756
  • 报价:168000/台

What is the most important benefit in a portable waterjet machine­

There are many benefits when using a portable waterjet, it is difficult to narrow them down to just one. There are three equally important benefits to waterjet that separate it from other machine tools; versatility and no heat affected zone and Suitable for all kinds of high risk environments.

Versatility: YUHAO waterjets enable you to cut a variety of material with ease using a single machine. Metal, stone, plastic, composite, glass, ceramics, and more can all be cut with a single Flow Waterjet. The same system can also cut a variety of thicknesses - most YUHAO portable Waterjets can cut up to 150mm thick.

No heat affected zone: Waterjet cutting is a cold cutting process. Heat can have a negative effect changing the structure and properties of metal alloys. Waterjet cutting is high-speed erosion which does not affect the structure and allows for many layer to be cut simultaneously.

Suitable for all kinds of high risk environments:

The Yuhao waterjet is a front mixed abrasive waterjet cutting machine, and the abrasive and water are mixed in a high-pressure abrasive tank, so that the water jet ejected from the cutting head does not generate sparks, And is especially suitable for replacing other cutting equipment in a flammable and explosive environment.


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