
  • 发布时间:2021-07-07 09:58:57,加入时间:2019年08月01日(距今1766天)
  • 地址:中国»贵州»贵阳:贵州省贵阳市南明区财富广场2号
  • 公司:贵州雍和文化场管理服务有限公司,用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:付黎,手机:17685089918



Qilin, also known as "Qilin" , is an animal in Chinese ancient legends. It is called "four spirits" together with Phoenix, Tortoise and Dragon. "Li Ji Li Yun" has "unearthed vehicles, river horse map, Phoenix Qilin, are in the suburbs of coconut" ("coconut" with "Shu" , marsh) . Kylin is one of the ancient Chinese ways of praying for children. Legend has it that Kylin is a benevolent animal, a symbol of good fortune, and can bring children to people. Wang Jia in the Jin Dynasty, "Shi Yiji" described that before the birth of Confucius, there is a Qilin Tuyu book in his home, which became the source of the "Qilin Son" . This set of Kylin's pendants weighs about 1.9 kg and is made of fine copper. The surface of the instrument is covered with oil and smooth. The KYLIN stretches forward on one foot and bends its three feet under the body. The kylin kneels backwards, leaning back on both horns, with the mane rising, his eyes prominent, his nose rising like a fancy-shaped nose and his mouth wide with rage, fangs Bared, imposing. The whole body scale Bixian, dorsal fin like gear, flower tail like flame, axillary fire cloud pattern on the float, static in the move. Riding a virgin boy and girl, walking around in front of the hall, known as the Kylin sent the child. The entire material quality is good, the carving is exquisite, the dynamic feeling is full, the moral auspicious, the skin color integrity, has the collection value quite.


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