
  • 发布时间:2024-05-13 11:18:56,加入时间:2011年05月03日(距今4779天)
  • 地址:中国»山东»烟台:山东省莱阳市龙门东路26号
  • 公司:山东鸿达建工集团有限公司,用户等级:铜牌会员 已认证
  • 联系:王经理,手机:13668656649 微信:mobilebmw 电话:0136-68656649 QQ:812134705

Electric control system电控系统

Compared with domestic product, the electric control system is simplest, the element quantity is fewest and its reliability is highest.


The wire remote equipment is convenient for operation far away.


Adopting proximity switch in hydraulic cylinder can realize changing direction with non-touch, which ensures that the direction can be changed reliably.


2.3Mechanical system机械系统

The design of hopper and S valve and so on adopt I-DEAS software to calculate, the hopper and S valve have good rigidity to avoid the phenomenon of hopper distortion and S valve breakage.


The agitator has unique form, which separates the hydraulic motor from agitator bearing pedestal. At the same time, adopting large displacement motor ensures that the agitator moment is big enough.


Make sure the pumping is good and decline the phenomenon of pipe jam, the spectacles wear plate and cutting ring should be used in lower abrasion. Our spectacles wear plate and cutting ring use high wear material, making the components’ life prolonged greatly.


    Lubrication system润滑系统

The hydraulic circuit will take high oil into double distributor, and then the lubricating part can obtain hydraulic oil. It ensures the lubrication of the concrete cylinder’s piston and other parts and prolongs the life of piston and other sealing.


2.5Cooling system冷却系统

The radiator equipment makes the working oil temperature of hydraulic system below 70℃ and makes the machine in normal status.




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