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移动电源去日本是做什么认证 是做PSE吗

  • 发布时间:2018-09-26 17:03:48,加入时间:2017年12月01日(距今2331天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市宝安区西乡镇宝安大道通达路星源科技一楼
  • 公司:深圳立讯检测股份有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:喻媛,手机:13147177020 微信:JOY-YUYUAN 电话:0755-82591330-8348 QQ:3004665420

移动电源日本圆形PSE认证最xin咨询 日本以强制要求电池产品PSE证书要求。


Portable Lithium Ion Storage Batteries(Mobile Batteries)to be regulated under the Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act

On February 1, 2018, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI)decided to revise the notification titled Interpretation of the Scope, etc. of Electrical Appliances and Materials* to include portable lithium ion storage batteries, referred to as "mobile batteries," in the scope of the Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act(known as the "PSE Act").

Bearing in mind the impact of this revision on markets, METI sets a transitional period of one year from the revision; beyond this period, i.e. after February 1, 2019, nobody will be allowed to manufacture, import or sell mobile batteries that do not comply with the technical requirements or other rules stipulated in the PSE Act.

1. Outline of and background to the revision of the notification

METI heretofore has excluded portable lithium ion storage batteries with built-in lithium ion storage batteries from the scope of regulated products under the PSE Act. However, to address the current trend of an increasing number of accidents involved in such batteries being reported, METI decided to include such batteries in the scope of regulated electrical appliances(in the category of lithium ion storage batteries), and revise the notification to clarify.

2. Transitional period

This revision will require manufacturers and importers of portable lithium ion storage batteries to fulfill obligations under the PSE Act, including i)ensuring conformity of products with technical requirements, ii)inspection of finished products and record keeping, and iii)labeling products with the PSE mark. Bearing in mind the impact of these requirements on markets, METI will set a transitional period of one year after the revision; beyond this period, i.e. after February 1, 2019, nobody will be allowed to manufacture, import or sell mobile batteries that do not comply with the technical requirements or other rules stipulated in the PSE Act.

Release date

February 1, 2018

Division in Charge

Product Safety Division, Industrial and Product Safety Policy Group

Related website

Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law


PSE认证是日本强制性安全认证,用以证明电机电子产品已通过日本电气和原料安全法 (DENAN Law) 或国际IEC标准的安全标准测试。日本的DENTORL法(电器装置和材料控制法)规定,498种产品进入日本市场必须通过PSE安全认证。其中,165种A类产品应取得菱形的PSE标志,333种B类产品应取得圆形PSE标志。







(中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可实验室CNAS NO.L4595)咨询热线:JOY YU/喻小姐

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