
  • 发布时间:2018-10-25 15:05:03,加入时间:2014年06月06日(距今3649天)
  • 地址:中国»河南»郑州:郑州市郑汴路127号升龙环球大厦A座2004室
  • 公司:瑞鼎企业管理咨询有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:赵老师,手机:18135698191 微信:ruiding10 电话:0371-55980957 QQ:2508515566


Project name: 30 tons of gas boiler construction project, the construction of the main content: the project in the factory now, the construction of 30 tons of gas boiler construction projects; Plans to build 424 square meters single boiler house, major equipment: 10 t/h fuel gas boiler, 20 t/h boiler, thermal deaerator, softened water equipment, etc.

Project name: project with an annual output of 30000 square meters of door plank. Construction contents: covers an area of 2600 square, investment 5 million yuan, annual output of door plank of 3 square, glass deep processing. The main process technology; Raw material purchase, plate and glass or aluminum  cut into different sizes according to the requirement, and plank class; With automatic edge banding machine for sealing side, hinge hole punch punch, packing, delivery after inspection. Glass class; After cutting edge grinding glass edge grinding machine, manual assembly, inspection using aluminum packaging after shipment. The main equipment; Engring machine, glass cutting machine, edge banding machine, aluminum cutting machine, glass edge grinding machine.

Project name: annual output of 800000 pieces of high-grade sanitary porcelain production line project. Construction of main contents: the newly built workshop 27000 square meters, the construction of a new 116 metres of one of the most advanced environmental protection energy-sing large end face tunnel kiln, purchase of ball mill, mixer, compressor, hanging chain molding line, such as the main equipment, annual output of 800000 pieces of high-grade sanitary porcelain production line. Technology: ingrents to ground grouting molding, glazing to high temperature firing, product inspection and packaging.



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