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  • 发布时间:2019-03-08 17:31:04,加入时间:2018年11月09日(距今2044天)
  • 地址:中国»河南»郑州:郑州市金水区农业路72号1号楼23层2302号
  • 公司:郑州利德隆文化传播有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员
  • 联系:刘经理,手机:15237184565 微信:lrl614521 电话:0371-55127952 QQ:1743775317

宣统元年(公元1909年),有些省开始制造宣统元宝银元,宣统二年颁布《币制则例》,规定国币以圆为单位,主币重库平七钱二分,含纯银九成,辅币有银、镍、铜币,规定银辅币有五角、二角五分和一角共三等。造币总厂还根据《币制则例》规定,于宣统二年试制以圆为单位的大清银币一套。宣统三年(公元1911年)又重新制模,试制大清银币,主币的蟠龙图案版别很多,计有长须龙、短须龙、大尾龙、反龙、曲须龙及签字版等版别。 反龙是清代银元龙图之一。因龙身作反“S”状,有异于通常的正“S”形,故名。

Xuantong first yearad ), some provinces began to manufacture Xuantong yuanbao silver dollar, Xuantong two years promulgated the monetary rules, the provisions of the national currency to round as a unit, the main currency heavy library flat seven two cents, including ninety percent of sterling silver, silver, nickel, copper coins, silver coins have five angle, two angle five points and a corner of a total of three, etc. Coinage factory also according to the regulations of the monetary rules, in Xuantong two years trial Qing silver coins in round units. Xuantong three years ( adand re - molding, trial Qing silver coins, the main coin panlong pattern version of many, including long dragon, short dragon, big tail dragon, dragon, quxulong and signature version. Anti - dragon is one of the figures of silver yuan dragon in Qing dynasty. Because the dragon body as the " s" shape, is different from the usual " s" shape, so the name.


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