Macro lens Componon4.0 80

  • 发布时间:2019-03-26 19:26:55,加入时间:2018年03月28日(距今2259天)
  • 地址:中国»广东»深圳:深圳市龙华新区龙观东路1号望成大厦四楼801
  • 公司:北京众合航迅科技有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:王工,手机:18676667868 微信:autumn-jing QQ:1657973179


For future tasks in industrial optics, the goal of SchneiderKreuznach is to continue this tradition with modern, high-quality 

lenses in the field of digital applications. These lenses in their 

robust plastic housings are a good solution when using large linear 

and area sensors in a wide range of applications. A far-reaching 

and sophisticated optical design with constantly high manufacturing quality is a matter of course. The excellent optical coatings 

were designed specially for the glass types used. This ensures 

that the lens is optimally attuned to its application area. Flexible 

use due to the wide magnification range and the high optical quality with its logically limited starting aperture, low chromatic aberration and optimisation at small imaging distances all combine to 

make these lenses unique. 

Technical Specifications 

F-number 4.0

Focal length 80.3 mm

Image circle 80.6 mm 

Magnification 0.5 – 0.04


Interface Leica-Mount

Weight 130 gr. 

Option Optical filter


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