
  • 发布时间:2019-12-26 14:41:42,加入时间:2019年09月10日(距今1729天)
  • 地址:中国»上海»宝山:上海宝山区沪太路5018弄梓坤科技园科技楼1118
  • 公司:润和国际贸易(上海)有限公司, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:杨瑞,手机:13681852004


Artec was established in 1982 in Cento (Ferrara), a small town in one of the most dynamic industrial areas of Italy, and it has therefore more than 30 years of experience in designing and producing pneumatic cylinders. Since the very beginning of its history, Artec has specialized in the manufacturing of short stroke and compact pneumatic cylinders.


Since 2008 its range of products has been continuously increasing due to the new proactive administration management. Company’s growth and development could be possible thanks to the investments made in logistics, customer care, human resources, personnel training and qualification, which have led to a new and more efficient way to design and manufacture. Nowadays Artec presents a wide range of pneumatic cylinders from bore 8 up to 320 mm: in addition to the previous short stroke and compact cylinders, it offers ISSSO 6432 cylinders, stopper cylinders, and the series made of stainless steel AISI 304 or AISI 316. Furthermore, Artec is able to offer both standard and specia in order to adapt the cylinder to any specific need of the customer. Finally, the catalogue is completed by the series of accessories – both aluminium and stainless steel – and sensors for cylinders.

自2008年以来,由于新的积极主动的行政管理,其产品范围不断扩大。由于在物流、客户服务、人力资源、人员培训和资质方面的投资,公司的成长和发展是可能的,这导致了一种新的、更有效的设计和制造方法。如今,ARTEC提供了从孔8到320毫米的各种气缸:除了以前的短冲程和紧凑型气缸外,它还提供ISSSO 6432气缸、止动气缸和不锈钢AISI304或AISI316系列。此外,ARTEC能够提供标准和特殊执行,以便使气缸适应客户的任何特定需求。最后,目录由一系列配件(铝和不锈钢)和气缸传感器组成。

The choice of only focusing on the production of pneumatic cylinders fosters a deeper attention to the details and the achievement of high quality standards of the product itself. Moreover, the focused production also contributes to rapid customer-oriented solutions and fast deliveries of the goods. Artec is able to offer its customer a complete support: high quality technical competence, production flexibility and constant technical assistance.


Experience and reliability: this is the result of more than 30 years of experience in designing and producing pneumatic cylinders, and this is what Artec makes available to its customers. Every phase of the cylinder process – from design to production – happens internally: it is a high quality product cycle made in Italy, which combines innovation and sustainability.




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