
  • 发布时间:2021-10-12 11:17:17,加入时间:2018年11月06日(距今2033天)
  • 地址:中国»江苏»盐城:东台市新街镇新角路50号
  • 公司:东台市新街镇春飞船用设备经营部, 用户等级:普通会员 已认证
  • 联系:施春飞,手机:13382477406 电话:0515-85754676 QQ:309491625
  • 报价:1234/个


关键词:HC--BDT01北斗 船用短信通 北斗短信通






-"SOS” 一键求救功能



BD Compass Communication (HC-BDT01)

In the area where there is no cell phone signal coverage of China Mobile、China Unicom、China Telecom, BD Compass communication will use the function of BD short-message and combine with cell phone & the Internet technology to achieve SMS interoperability between cell phone and outside. This equipment contains only one APP and one terminal, it can meet the demand of SMS communication between Marine and land personnel. Meanwhile, it has SOS function, when the user is in distress, press SOS, it will send out the distress signal and notify the Search & rescue department or your relatives to get the timely help.

Function characteristic

•It relies on the Beidou Satellite and mobile phone network to achieve real-time communication of signal blind area.

•It supports the mainstream smart phone(Android & IOS) to free download the APP.After registered,you can communicate.

•Use the Wi-Fi function,it can achieve more than one person to send the SMS at the same time.

•“SOS” :One-key function for help

•Small size and lightweight, easy to install and carry.

Suitable for Field operations team. Outdoor exploration team> Marine operations team.


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