• 简介: 我是广东顶匠律师事务所的王律师,联系地址是广州市天河区岗顶丰兴广场,我们公司是在广东广州的个体私营公司,公司专注于商业服务,法律、公证,注册资金为人民币20--50万元,雇员数量为6--10人,年营业额为:人民币50--100万元,我们的主营业务有:律师服务,我们公司无进出口特权,我们是服务型公司,如果您有任何问题可以联系我。下面是我们公司的一些产品信息,您可以参考,同时更多信息也可以联系我的电话。
      广东鑫霆律师事务所 Guangdong Xinting Law office 广东鑫霆律师事务所是经中国司法部和广东省政府批准的综合性律师事务所。本所采用尖端高效的公司化运作模式,构建了现代型的管理体系,强调团队精神。针对社会经济不同法律领域,集中各领域专业律师,组成专项服务部门,整体配合,实现高效、品质服务。全部律师由法学硕士和学士组成。实行专业化、分工合作服务方式,为众多客户提供优质、高效、专业法律服务。本团队律师工作重点突出、各有所长、分工合作,长期业务客户遍及广州、深圳、珠海、佛山、惠州等泛珠三角等区域。本所律师服务的责任精神、质量水准与取得的成效均获得了客户的充分肯定和嘉许。我所在长期的法律服务实践中,与公检法等政府部门保持良好的工作关系。本所全体律师将竭尽所能,为您提供专业、高效的法律服务。 Guangdong Xinting law firm is a comprehensive law office which has been authorized by Chinese ministry of Justice and Guangdong provincial government. Our law firm is managed by adopting a sophisticated and effective mechanism, to construct a modern management system. And the team spirit is highlighted by our company. For different law area of current social economy, we integrate the professional lawyers in that field, organizing exclusive service department, to give our clients the best and satisfactory service. All the lawyers of our company are either master of law or bachelor of law. By implementing professional and sector-responsible cooperation service style, we will always serve our clients the high-quality, high-efficient and professional law service. In our company, different lawyer has their own advantages, but work together as a team. We have developed long term cooperation relationship with clients from Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou and other Zhujiang delta areas. What’s more, our clients give us a high rating for our responsibility, service quality and the achievement we have got. After long-time contacting and negotiating with local justice government, we have got a good relationship with them. Consequently, we have some excellence that other team cannot compare with. All the lawyer of our firm will work together and try our best to give our client the best service.

    珠海征地补偿律师、珠海土地征收协议和谈律师 珠海征地补偿律师、珠海土地征收协议和谈律师


    佛山养殖场拆迁律师、佛山南海区养殖场厂房拆迁律师 佛山养殖场拆迁律师、佛山南海区养殖场厂房拆迁律师


    授予广东专利权的外观设计律师条件、广东专利权律师 授予广东专利权的外观设计律师条件、广东专利权律师


    农村广东中山房屋所有权拆迁、广东宅基地使用权律师 农村广东中山房屋所有权拆迁、广东宅基地使用权律师


    广东佛山拆迁律师、广东中山房屋拆迁安置协议和谈 广东佛山拆迁律师、广东中山房屋拆迁安置协议和谈

